Personal Quotes

I love making up my own quotes.  There is so much power and meaning in just a few short words. It is not the words themselves that have provided comfort, solace, answers and truths when I have needed it the most, it is the meaning I find in the words. It is a way of speaking a truth whether it might be my own or someone elses truth I resonate with. However the greatest joy of quotes for me is that there is never only one meaning and I do believe people can give it their own meaning. My truth does not have to be theirs. That is the beauty of art, it is open to interpretation and is an open space to connect quietly within. I hope you enjoy the following quotes I have created from my own personal experiences and knowings.


 "There is no greater spiritual death than denying your souls agenda." 


"Never be ignorant to the fact that becoming something magnificent did not entail much suffering to become magnificence personified." 


"I believe all spiritual masters use the experience of pain and suffering to transform the world into a better place." 


"I do not care what you look like, what your status is in life, how much money you make nor how many material things you have. What I do care about though is how you treat yourself, how you treat others and how you treat me. I will observe that closely. These things will be the deciding factor on whether you are worthy of being in my life and it will be what determines whether you are beauty or the beast to me, so be warned you have that to get through plus God, got a lot of work ahead of you sunshine." 


"The causes of homelessness, greed, poverty, and many other great sufferings is because we dwell in a society that has and still does hold a belief in the illusion of lack. Lack of time, lack of resources, lack of love, lack of compassion, lack of empathy, as well as a belief that there is not enough of the aforementioned, like we have to store it up in case it all runs out. If society and systems continue to dwell this way and hold true to these beliefs, there is no hope for past, present and future generations." 


"It does not matter how bad a relationship got, no matter what you endured, you still grieve many a loss. To not acknowledge this truth is to err on the side of caution." 


"Hell is lovelessness."

Copyright © Lee Evans 2014

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